


Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

My vulnerability and the continuity of Papuan struggles in the Martin Luther King Memorial Day

With Lorraine at Walker Center. I do not have t my body brace anymore!

My vulnerability and the continuity of Papuan struggles in the Martin Luther King Memorial Day
By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta

Today, January 20, 2014 , the first day I started writing again after the date of January 11, 2014 I let go of the body brace. When a body brace fitted to support the structure of the spine, I felt calm while writing. I am grateful for getting healthy. The day before the body brace was released, I swam in the Swimming Pool of Boston University. My orthodopedic recommended me  to move without a body brace entering to this third months of my healing process. Body brace gives a lot of protection to the body. Today, the first time I visited a rehabilitation center to begin my  physiotherapyType text or a website address or translate a document.

.  Previously I have done myself at home , including when I swam and did lots of moves to strengthen the back muscles which did not t function during the healing of the spinal fractures.

The most enjoyable activity after
the body brace was moved is to paint.  Movement of writing on my laptop is different from the motion of  painting. I do not feel tired when painting . So I decided to paint since entering 2014. I am currently completing a painting to remember the struggle of indigenous Papuans in Indonesia. I interpret the story of 12 prominent Papuan leaders edited by Farhardian, the books I read when it came out of the hospital in Ventura, California. Papuan leaders were born in a very beautiful area. I 've travelled to many places , both in Indonesia and in other countries , only Papua reminds me of the states in the west of the USA , namely Oregon and Washington . We drove in the month of July 2013  to Boston in the east coast from Berkeley, California in the west part, passing through Oregon and Washington. While in the ways, I am always amazed by the beauty of the mountain behind the existing highway and the beautiful little town .

Papua is different . Highway connecting the inland and coastal areas are not yet available so that one -on-one is using the transport plane . Washington State on the east side is very memorable for me , because from here , Washington apples shipped to Indonesia . We can buy Washington apples in Yogyakarta , the city where I live on the south coast of the island of Java . Changes in progress in Eastern Washington began in the 1930s when the highway was built . Mountain village cut to be penetrated behind . When we passed a highway in Eastern Washington , I whispered to myself , should Papua with the same natural texture , mountains , valleys and rivers can enjoy the roads like this . Especially after Papua contributed much to the world's largest mining companies , namely , Freeport , a U.S. company .

So when I can not write two weeks ago because of discomfort in the body , I painted Papua with experience traveling in Eastern Washington and when I visited Papua Jayapura , Biak , Serui and Waropen . Natural paint that gave birth to Papua leader encourages me to reflect deeply spiritual atmosphere of Papuans .

Today I told my therapist , Teresa Townsend about my desire to write again . Can I help to feel comfortable writing
?  With her help I now understand how to comfort myself in the way of I sit while typing.  When I use a body brace , I sit in half from the middle to the front of the chair . I feel comfortable , while every 30 minutes could stand to loosen the body . But when the body brace is removed, the sitting position is very unpleasant . My concentration is interrupted every 15 minutes , I started to feel pain in your back and arms . This morning , my therapist helped me to improve the way I sit .

Teresa rolled up
a white towel and gave it to me to be placed in the back of the spine so that I could lean my  body to be pressed into the seat . Now I do it while typing this paper . Sometimes towel rolls slide from the middle of the back seat to the rear seat . I stopped to fix it . But I felt calm after practice sat writing correct to strengthen weak muscles after two months not functioning .

While comparing the small muscles of the foot wrapped in a
cast for several months , my therapist explained , spinal muscular condition that is also small like the leg muscles when released from the cast . I never realized it , because before the accident , I was a jogger . I run 25 miles a week . I  also do gymnastics , and  dance.  My body  was healthy and strong to bear the physical work like hoeing  side yard at our house to make compost . With a healthy body I drove my  motorcycle or car to the villages where I taught women in all provinces IN . Yogyakarta.

I am also grateful for the explanation
of Teresa whom will be slowly work together with me to build my muscle to restrengthen. Spine T - 11 and L - 4 were broken already growing well described by an orthopedic doctor . Teresa also explained with her smile about my  bones position which are very well . " There is no problem with the bone now , but now is the time to hold back to rebuild your muscle strength ever " , said Teresa .

" I'm ready " , so I said to Teresa . Teresa made a video about my workout done earlier so that I could watch
myself while repeating basic movements to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles . Teresa also added my time to do therapy for 9 times within one month of training . Slowly muscle exercise are added it difficulty level . In addition to swimming that are highly recommended , as it gives effect to muscle flexibility , I was advised to refrain from body movements like bending deep at Yoga movements . Teresa explained it because I will start next week to follow the practice of yoga for healing . Teresa asked me to explain to my yoga trainer about my spinal condition that still need time to really become strong again as before. I have taught Yoga for meditation to some youth during the workshop on Gender and homosexuality in Yogyakarta, but this coming lesson of Yoga at Boston University will be different. I am waiting to have the community of healing too.

Writing experience is very important to seek healing for me , because I want to keep writing , and painting to fight enforcement of human rights in Papua . After doing physiotherapy I was driving home to attend the open house for the community at the Walker Center in which we live today . This meeting
was also to commemorate the birth of Martin Luther King that is celebrated today . His birth was celebrated as a national day in the United States . Especially for people in Boston, Martin Luther King is very special because the struggle began when he was a student of theology at Boston University. Even Martin Luther King was shot , but the struggle to overcome discrimination rights of civil society in the United States have got a place in the nation 's political consciousness . Martin Luther King inherited the principle of non-violent struggle to the people of various nations in the United States . The struggle against violence should be chosen as a strategy without having to feel the fear of the possibility of violence that will be experienced by the body .

So in the last meeting between Walker Center community , I reflect on the vulnerability of the human body . Softness to the body itself needs to be given to each person who places the work in building awareness of overcoming discrimination against a person or group of people differently because of their race , class, social status and religion . Vulnerability lived with letting other people's pain flow out of the body itself that is experiencing pain . I explained about my experience to understand the flow vulnerability being
struggled by indigenous Papuan brothers and sisters in the land of Papua, Indonesia. I am grateful to receive it and still continue to work hard to build strength of vulnerability that occurs .

When I got healed , I was more moved by the fate of brothers
, sister by whom I could see as if Papua has not changed . Do what I do , writing , and painting gives meaning to change that is heading achieve results? Rising up some questions seems shocking me especially to address the end of the struggle ? Today I look at the vulnerability of Martin Luther King , I was woken up again to continue my trust in faith where I would see a moment of hope was realized . Like the song " We Shall Overcome " , a song that is very sliced ​​hearts of all those who fought for equal rights to live in the United States . Yes believe today , my brothers and sisters in their struggles in Papua.  The struggle  will appear as a result of patience with for despair never ask Indonesian world , the world in the United States and throughout the universe to bring justice and peace in Papua .

Beside me , a 99 -year -old mother , Lorie . Lorie is
a volunteer worker to help foreign students to write their papers in order to get an A grade. With eyes proud and fiery , Lorie sang patriotic songs of equal rights in the United States during the civil society movement led by Martin Luther King . She was a witness about what ever happened in the history of the United States . Furthermore, the maturity to use vulnabilities to serve foreign students living in the Walker Center, she has allowed herself to continue to serve until now in her 99 years old . Celebration of  her 99th anniversary was held on 6 November 2013 that at the time I was in the hospital mole Ventura , California . I showed my patients bracelet that still wrapps around my left arm to Lorie . She smiled and said , "God has plans for you dear ! . It is all right, God has a plan for everyone's life , I felt understood what God wants me to do in terms of self-healing that is shared with me once cured Papua and Papua also more curable  This is faith , which is something that I see that once answered my doubts about when I was getting healed and why Papua has not changed . Lorie was true ! God was healing me also heal Papua to expand indigenous Papuan voices heard to the entire universe .

My husband ,
pak Bernie also shared his experiences about the civil movement when it also raised the black power movement with an emphasis on conflict as initiated by the Marcolm X. History of discrimination against African American political struggle that led to selection based on the conflict . But Martin Luther King was different . Was raised from the Christian tradition , the doctrine of non-violence is made ​​aware of the life of Christ became Marthin Luther King’s inspiration as  explaned by the another members of the community of Walker Center . Alice , a student at Boston College who lives in the Walker Center warned that the teachings of Martin Luther King to help people not to be afraid also to the possibility of death , because there is hope beyond this present life . The power of non-violence is born of God himself who gives humankind the strength to face the possibility treated with violence without fighting back . Deaths that occurred in Papua is the murder that must be stopped . Shouts to request termination continue played by Papuan leaders without fear and do not use force . Here's expectations rooted in faith that their leaders are Christians , sees Jesus as a fighter together with the indigenous Papuan people working to uphold justice , truth and peace .

We Shall Overcome , We Shall Overcome ,
We Shall Overcome someday ;
Oh , deep in my heart , I do believe ,
We Shall Overcome someday .

The Lord will see us through , The Lord will see us through ,
The Lord will see us through someday ;
Oh , deep in my heart , I do believe ,
We Shall Overcome someday .

We're on to victory , We're on to victory ,
We're on to victory someday ;
Oh , deep in my heart , I do believe ,
We're on to victory someday .

We'll walk hand in hand , we'll walk hand in hand ,
We'll walk hand in hand someday ;
Oh , deep in my heart , I do believe ,
We'll walk hand in hand someday .

We are not afraid , we are not afraid ,
We are not afraid today ;
Oh , deep in my heart , I do believe ,
We are not afraid today .

The truth shall make- us free , the truth shall make- us free ,
The truth shall make- us free someday ;
Oh , deep in my heart , I do believe ,
The truth shall make- us free someday .

We shall live in peace , we shall live in peace ,
We shall live in peace someday ;
Oh , deep in my heart , I do believe ,
We shall live in peace someday .

We shall over come , song Martin Luther King is part of a faith that I believe indigenous Papuans also live in it . As seen from the 12 Papuan leaders . I painted them and vibrate with deep stories of their struggle is for all the people who own brothers and sisters in Papua . Anyone not able to take the struggle that has been rolling , too self- indigenous Papuans themselves . God was with the brothers and sisters in the struggle for justice and peace in Papua .

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Papua and Prison, a painting in January 1, 2014. A Reflection of fulfillment!

Papua dan Penjara, Lukisan tanggal 1 Januari 2014 (Papua and Prison, a painting in January 1, 2014) stays at the first search on the google machine.

Papua and Prison, a painting in January 1, 2014 .
A Reflection
of fulfillment!
By Farsijana Adeney - Risakotta

" Let the painting speak
s and touchs the hearts of people. If you want to write something, make it into a separate article from the painting " , said my husband .  My husband said despite his admiration for the painting before the title was signed up on the painting that I painted in December 31, 2013. I wrote on the top of the painting “ Justice for Papua”. His heart was troubled when he saw my paintings . At first my husband thought that the painting shows  flowers in a vase . Long been observed, he realized that painting is turso men who are shouting.

I paint as a way of voicing the cry of Papuans . Justice for Papua
was added as titled after I finished painted it.  Then I published it on my blog without hearing my husband's comments . The painting , as seen from near the head of the Papua but much like a series of flowers in a vase . Papuans being chained to a black iron that looks like a flower vase. Indeed Papuans beautiful, outside and inside as I remember the comment made by President Megawati when she met Amelia Jigabalom in Papua . Their sincerity can become malignant when they know are  being used by someone . It is characteristic of people everywhere !

I later consider my husband 's advice . Date of January 1, 2014 I was very restless heart . We were watching the Rose Bowl which was an American football played by university or college in the United States. Then I began to see itself in the minds of people who are in prison . Lots of men are at a small cubicle . They crowded . Among them there was screaming . They shouted to sleep . The warden did not come to see them at their hanger . I am anxious to prison’s picture in my mind . When I was watching the online game, I  closed my eyes laid on the shoulders of my husband . I was asleep but my body feels sick lying in the position while wearing body braces . So I begged permission from the family to go to my studio where I started to paint the picture in my mind and feelings .

Papua and painting Prison in January 1, 2014 is the title I gave
to separate from the image itself . I decided to publish it without writing anything on the sheet painting . I was also put off painting the explanation that I have prepared after completing the text. Although I really wanted to publish this paper in conjunction with the painting .

Is a state prison where the people of Papua on hold as I see the picture of
in my mind ? I prepared the paper and other supplies for painting . Existing colors did not match the colors in my feelings . Then I took a yellow base color and mixed it with black color . I also mixed the color yellow with red , yellow to green , yellow to brown . Yellow became the color of the base because I feel people of Papua is God's revelation given to Indonesia to reflect on ourselves. As a country of faith , religion , Indonesia could reflect her faith in God in the way she treats indigenous Papuans . Why should Papuans jailed for their alleged treason ?

According to Papuan Behind Bars , in November 2013 , there were 537 cases of people catching the then 71 people can be declared as political prisoners (
in Indonesia “tapol” ) .

Link :

 Identification of their detention is connected with treason , which citizens attempt to demonstrate the separation of
Indonesian Republic and political attitudes . Signs of rebellion are always used as an excuse accusation which relates with an organizing effort to gather so they can raise the flag “Bintang Kejora” (Morning Star). Bloody Biak tragedy involved  military firing from the ship towards the port of Biak where people were gathering left dozens of people dead . While those who survived were transported into the boat and drowned in the sea .

Biak bloody tragedy occurred on July 6, 1998 . Papuan people refuse to forget the bloody tragedy of Biak . Biak bloody incident started from a protest by the people . In protest , they raise
d the flag which then led to slaughter them .
Indonesian government recognition of the injustices suffered by indigenous Papuans have produced encouraging Law No.21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy ( Adeney - Risakotta , 2013) . In this Act the Indonesian government set national regulations related to efforts to resolve the Papuan problem . Form of settlement put into perspective the Republic of Indonesia ( Republic of Indonesia ) which allows the country together and allow Indonesian citizens , namely indigenous Papuans engaged in dialogue to seat the history of Papuan integration . To that end , the Truth and Reconciliation Commission set out in the Special Autonomy Law in order to set the
process of having the historical clarification.

The Papuans are also given the opportunity to raise
Bintang Kejora (Morning Star) along with the Indonesian’s flag . Morning Star is accepted as an identity rather than as a sign of sovereignty of the Papuans of Papua to separate of Indonesian Republic because legally Papua is part of the Nation State of Indonesia. Roiling Papua conflict is exacerbated by the lack of commitment of the Government of Indonesia to meet the regulations that have been instituted . President SBY and his government may assume that the Act 21 of 2001 is a product of the government of President Megawati signed so ignore existing legal certainty in the legislation . Papuan people protected by the Act 21 of 2001 as the Republic of Indonesia recognizes the right to preserve and present the Papuan tribal identity in the political life of the Republic of Indonesia . Republic of Indonesia even is required to facilitate the clarification of Papuan history .

Another argument that often appear in various media review when asked why the government does not want to engage in a dialogue is to avoid indigenous Papuans demanding independence . As alluded to foreign NGOs that work effort was campaigning injustice in Papua , the government tends indeed attempted Papua issue raised at the national level related to the strategy of certain countries that have economic interests to exploit Papua .
Then another question arises whether during the integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia , including when Law No. 21 of 2001 which provides direct transfer of local arrangements made
​​by the local people of Papua have successfully prosper ? Studies conducted by the Centre For Public Policy and Management Studies from the Catholic University of Parahyangan arrived at the conclusion that the Special Autonomy legislation that led to the allocation of additional funds to Papua , not the slightest change Papuan autonomy performance turned out to be the last of sorted all provinces in Indonesia . Consequently , the purpose of development that should be felt by indigenous Papuans only a cake that can be felt by the Papuan elite and government officials in Jakarta .

I pondered all of this when I 'm drawing
on Papua and Prison . Turns out Indonesian government has threw so many indigenous Papuans across Papua to the prisons . Fertile soil are the property of Papuans now as a prison , which is divided -plots according to each cell . The term " prison " is not as if the literary -related prison where people were arrested for offenses considered by the state . Papuan people do not want a pardon from the President , which is controlled honesty Indonesian government to meet the demands of the rule of law generated by the government itself.

Most wondered at after the tragedy of Bloody Biak , and various other tragedies have sprung up , such as the bloody Abepura dated December 7, 2000 , Wasior bloody dated June 13, 2001 , Wamena bloody dated October 6, 2000 and 4 April 2003 , followed by the murder of Theys Hiyo Eluway and removal of personal driver , Aristotle Masoka on November 10 , 2001. On April 16, 2006, the human rights tragedy occurring again . The data is recorded either by the tragedy of the National Human Rights Commission which successfully compiling it and then leave it to the courts but to date no ditindaklanjutkan by the government . According to the records of the
KONTRAS, the only offense that was the tragedy Abepura trial April 7, 2000 pending before the Human Rights Court in Makassar . Cases of this tragedy have involved the security forces ( TNI - Police ) .

Link :

 As in the paintings of Papua and Prison , truth naturally are following the Papuans . Leaves are the divine breath of life to grow towards the original
people of Papua . Justice like leaves that never die because tree roots grow in depth . The leaves break through the iron  trellis to touch and to thrust to the Papuans . Indigenous Papuans in the painting and became a prison for demanding justice from the government . Life and justice are part of a faith that will not be taken by anyone, including the government of Indonesia . Then unite indigenous Papuans and fellow citizens to urge the government of Indonesia Republic of Indonesia meet the demands of existing laws on state legislation RI .