


Jumat, 29 November 2013

Thanksgiving and mas Willy!

op of Form

Thanksgiving and mas Willy!
By Farsijana Adeney - Risakotta

I 'm enjoying the mercy of
the Almighty God. I can write with my tiny finger dancing on the keys of my computer.  Typing with 10 fingers has helped me to publish already many posts  on my blog . My blog have been more than two years old. Beginning of writing habit to share to my friends on FB that later could not be proceed because of being blocked by a Hacker, I began to write on my blog to distribute to my readers publicly. My writings for my blog evolves mainly as a place for me to explain about the reasons for living together as human beings and the nature of democracy in Indonesia. I have always enjoyed writing. I launch my writing through the words that I ponder while jogging, while bathing or driving.

Now after a car accident, I cannot jog, cannot shower as usual and cannot
drive, but I like to sleep with the words and then woken up by phrases ready as a writing. I’ve been writing since I was out of the hospital. A friend asked me how that take a time to me to finish writing in the fact I have the limitation of my body which is being covered by the shield. I do not measure how long I write. Because I write for two kinds of readers, i.e. Indonesian readers and those who can read only in English. Sometimes I write fast because my fingers have no problem to send signals to capture into ideas that coupled from each typing sounds of the letters in the phrases into understanding.  I write with a computer without seeing the keys. The ideas flowed like a light that was pierced into the bulkhead walls to warm the inside of the house . The habit of getting the idea while doing activities such as I mentioned above it is now still continues to flow in a different expression .

In my sleep
I formulate my writings . This incident reminds me of when my right elbow  had to be bandaged, on the next day I woke up and prayed before ending suddently I heard saying : " Sand .. Sand " . I asked : " Sand .. sand ? Do I have to paint with sand ? " Then the voice replied : " Sand ... Sand " . I believe that the voice  was from God to me . I got out of bed to go look for a bottle that is filled with sand . I collect sand from Bali . I then took the sand , and asked my niece to go look for colored cement . My niece back , I 'd finished painting with sand which I gave the title " the Dancer of Life " . This painting comes from a poem written in my blog   Indonesianku Indonesianmu Indonesia untuk semua: . I quote the poem.

Now adoring saluting depth
pilgrims of life
Like a dancer with the rhythm of movement
and charisma
Now touch the minds inflame
Hearts meet yourself
habituating life
dancer body
releases of grief in beauty
Dancers arrange a meeting in the play of life
suffering with elegance eternity


After that , I painted 11 paintings in a week with
my  left hand .  During the time of painting, one thing happened.  I woke up to see in a state of half- sleep to end with my prayer, there was a very large white flower in front of me . I was surprised and saw it amazingly. Then I got out of bed and looked for a canvas for painting . In twenty minutes I 'd painted the flowers as it was following me to finish my drawing.  I gave the title : " Indonesia waits for love " . This painting follows the core of my poem which has the same title.  I quote the poem and would like to show it within the form of my painting.
Land Spreading the smell of lust suck heat softened After Attractive
Opening the womb of the earth

Footing the rain tapered second land birds return Limits twilight
Waiting back Love
Earth beautiful earth fertile homeland mighty Earth Nation State mannered grace
after the arrival of Love

Since the accident until now , I continue to write . But yesterday , I stopped writing a few hours and for the first time since 4:30 pm until 10 pm I enjoy
ed socializing  with my family, along with a family  of pak Robert Hefner , ibu Nancy Smith-Hefner and two female students in the ICRS Yogya ,  bu Ninik and bu Nina to celebrate Thanksgiving together . I was happy to know the Hefner family , especially their son called mas Willy . I laughed when pak Hefner told the story about mas Willy. One day they were in Bali. Mas Willy was about 3 or 4 years old. . They were walking and there were people shouting in the street and said, " Hey boy where you are going ? " . This little boy saw them and proudly said : " My name is not  boy , my name is mas Willy" . Pak Hefner body stomped , I glanced to  mas Willy who was standing near the door while amazed at his father's warmed up his childhood memories . Mas Willy eyes were proud and happy! Little smile  was on mas Willy’ face!

I am writing about mas Willy because on Thanksgiving , I asked if Will is happy to be called mas Willy , then he said yes while asking his head .  Willy was raised several years in Indonesia when his parents did research there . Now Willy had forgotten Indonesian , but does not forget his name, mas Willy . Calling somebody “mas” in Java, Indonesia is to show a respect to a child who is considered different from other children . The difference may be because his parents came from a noble family , or educated or respected . His original name is William. Now in Boston where he lives with his parents, he is just called Will. "Mas" in Javanese means older brother . A person could be called  "mas" though he is younger than suppose because the experiences of  those around him flow down. Willy was born with from a family with a very profound experience that respects  to the understanding of the people of Indonesia and Islam .

The Thanksgiving story
was in my mind since yesterday  because , this handsome young man , is still grateful to the name given by the Javanese , “mas  Willy " . I did not remind everyone who attended last night about a great Indonesian writer , Rendra who was always called mas Willy.  Unlike Rendra, mas Willy , the son of the  Hefner family is happy to learn natural sciences and mathematics . Now mas Willy is studying at the University of Maine , majoring in mechanical engineering . He acknowledges that less well in literary subjects that cannot follow the footsteps of his parents who learn about the culture and religion of various communities around the world .

father, pak Robert Hefner is an anthropologist who studied Islam from the view of society and culture . 'His mother Nancy is also an anthropologist with speciality on gender and community education. She has done research around several countries in Southeast Asian. His sister, Clarie is also an  anthropologist who is completing research on young women and Islamic education in Indonesia . Even he does not master in Indonesian study, but Indonesia has given him a name and he receives inheritance of Indonesia, mas Willy. In this year Thanksgiving, he is reminded that he has an Indonesian blessing.

In this family , our family , both
my husband and our nieces with two students ICRS Yogya were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving . With us there were also two friends of Claire. Exceptional, ibu Nancy prepared the entire dinner feast since some days ago. The menu of Thanksgiving is reminiscent of many appropriate banquets in Indonesia with a variety of offerings . On Thanksgiving Day, in addition to turkey as the main menu , there were potatoes , corn , sweet patatoes, cooked green beans, fresh vegetables such  salad , bread , sauces cranberry and various others that were all yammi.  The appetizers have brought our desire to eat.

Warm house with a fireplace more fragrant after the turkey was reheated . We enjoyed turkey chopped from roast turkey that weighs 22.4 pounds or about 10 kg . Turkey size is larger than a baby , said by bu Ninik. Pak Hefner opened with a prayer of Thanksgiving, like a kiya sings but in English thanking to Almight God and the fellowships of  us all. A kiya is called to a muslim ulama. Meals were rotated to be fulfilled in each plate while we shared various stories. Thanksgiving feast is actually eating with depth because of the opportunity to share stories from each other's experiences . Oh all desert were delicious.

Thank you very much pak Hefner, bu Nancy, mba Claire and mas Willy who have taken me out of the house for the first time to socialize after the accident . I wrote this story as a token of my thanks to mas Willy who is still happy to be called as the Javanese even today in his family he is just called Will . I will always call him mas Willy!

Kamis, 28 November 2013

Thanksgiving celebrates the life and peace

Thanksgiving celebrates the life and peace

By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta

day in the United States, we commemorate Thanksgiving .  It is a national holiday. When the celebration of Columbus day was began to celebrate by the people in the United States, many protests . Protests related to the understanding of history that Columbus was seen to open the gate for a European settlers to move to the United States and began as a prelude to the oppression of indigenous people who had been already here.

Those who were here first so-called First Nation , as popularized in Canada , but in the United States still called
the native of American  or the Indians . Thanksgiving as a celebration is not  rejected at all by the people in the United States . Thanksgiving is part of the recognition of both the migrants and the natives of the generosity of the Creator that allows life to continue.

The celebration is associated with thanksgiving after the last harvest before winter . Indonesia does not have winter . But every change of season , from dry season to rainy season where farmers can not be maximal activity to harvest their produce , the farmers celebrate thanksgiving . In Gunung Kidul ,  Yogyakarta, the kind of thanksgiving day called the day Rasula , where farmers after harvest finish with a religious pray to relate with the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW .
Prayer starts from the fields and orchards to raise their prayers and sprinkled water
and old seeds in the hope of the harvest will come again and abundance of the earth to human beings . Prayer activities in the fields and gardens made ​​by each family , sometimes it can be done together. Supposely women dance to express thanksgiving for the harvest that has been abundant . When the famine came , the farmers remain grateful . They live a simple life with great care using a stock of rice and potatoes meal, so as not to run out of food. During this period, farmers share available crops and food.

Thanksgiving as a celebration in the United States and Canada is done with a background that is almost similar
to agricultural practices in Indonesia . This tradition has been practiced in Europe as in the Netherlands when the immigrants from the British anchored in Leiden on their way to the United States in the early 17th century . Immigrants  arrived in the United States , first to the New England . Boston is still storing cap marks of Christian puritans who came from England to the continental United States . The Puritan group called Plymouth . Puritan cap is kept as a symbol for Masschutssets Turnpike Tolls.

The immigrant were  Protestants who fought to protect their religion  which were different from the nobility . The puritans were ordinary farming communities.  Class transformation occurred in Europe , especially after the Protestant Reformation spearheaded by Martin Luther . The essence of Christianity was returned to the modeled life of the early church where every person had access to the direct teaching of Christianity by reading the Bible , from which faith grows because of God's mercy alone .

began to  celebrate in the United States when the first immigrants arrived in the New England area where surrounding by  beautiful hills , rivers and lakes . People arrived in a state of hunger, no food,  Then the natives provided them with food.  They came with a turkey that chickens living wild in the forests across the American continent . What did they eat they bring and share with the immigrants . There were sweet potatoes, potatoes , beets and so on . They also taught how to look for fish , shrimp and process them in the river . Goodness natives was celebrated as a blessing to invite everyone in the family and neighbors for a meal together.



Thanksgiving provides an opportunity for everyone to be grateful in the way . In my opinion , Thanksgiving is probably the only festival in the United States is still maintained as close as possible in accordance with the tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation . In the United States , Thanksgiving is celebrated on Thursday of last week of November . Being in Canada is celebrated on the second week of October. On Thanksgiving Day there will be an abundance of food . Family members will prepare a variety of foods that should be available as a menu for Thanksgiving .

Thanksgiving a celebration for everyone , no longer is a religious celebration . Thanksgiving is a celebration related to the mutual recognition of the nature of life that should be owned by everyone . Life goes on with various existing turmoil . Celebrate thanksgiving allow people to sit together and acknowledge the equality of beauty to share.

The main menu is turkey or roast turkey cooked in the oven after peppered with spice mixture processed in the form of so-called " staffing " . Staffing is bread mixed fresh herbs such as garlic , onions , celery , and others are included in the body for a baked turkey in the oven at a very low temperature for several hours approximately 8 hours .


Weight of turkey depends on the number of people who come for dinner. For 12 people may need 14.5 pounds of turkey.  2.2 pounds is equal to 1 kg. So 14.5 is approximately 7 kg.  Cooking such big turkey need more time. It can cook since in the morning with low heat to match with the time for eating.  When people all sit on the table, then roasted turkey is taken out by host member of the family to present in the middle.

Thanksgiving is usually celebrated as dinner.
 Pak Bernie’s family celebrate Thanksgiving around 3 pm. But it can also at 5pm. 5 pm on the East Coast is different from the West Coast. Boston now has been like 5 pm 7 pm in Indonesia. The addition of one hour to set behind in the beginning of November was to reduce the duration of darkness than light. But on the west coast in California which is different as three hours from Boston still light at 5 pm.   


Roast turkey eats with mashed potatoes and mashed sweet potatoes. I am most pleased to see the plates of people in the table that make the lake as mashed potatoes or petatas filled with broth from the roast turkey . Side souce poured together on the meal is Canberry sauce . Anyway there are a variety of meal that makes the dining table is full and beautiful .


Today we  celebrate Thanksgiving with  pak of Robert Hefner , ibu Nancy Smith - Hefner and their family . So I better stop here to wait approximately the traditional presentation by Hefner - Smith family.  Actually bu Nancy has sent the menu that we can see so many dishes that bu Nancy is preparing!


Bu Nancy said we have to come with the earnest hunger. The tradition of eating with a hunger to remember the native affection and love of God who gives abundantly to human food. Eating in a state of hunger also makes food taste,   such as fasting. There will be plenty of food and then take home as left over that will be enjoyed for several days.  Happy Thanksgiving .