Now I want to explain about the components of the existing peace in the PIZZA. Starting with P as the key of these principles in the PIZZA, I will then continue to discuss P (Peace) together with I (Incredible), P (Peace) and Z (Zoom), P (Peace) and Z (Zone) and the last, P (Peace) and A (Authenticity).
Now I want to explain about the components of the existing peace in the PIZZA. Starting with P as the key of these principles in the PIZZA, I will then continue to discuss P (Peace) together with I (Incredible), P (Peace) and Z (Zoom), P (Peace) and Z (Zone) and the last, P (Peace) and A (Authenticity).
By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
P of PIZZA for Peace as a word, is most often used in everyday life in many languages with different saying all over the world. When I think about PIZZA to start P which is associated with Peace, I start thinking about the face of the PIZZA which is decorated with the symbol of "peace" as a universal symbol that is accepted around the world.
The imagination of PIZZA mentioned above now is being used as the cover of this blog to illustrate my point.
People see PIZZA with their hearty happy feeling. The word love is not necessarily directly to relate to the atmosphere of "peace". But both words, love and peace contain the words happy and peaceful happiness value, there is a joy on that words. A joy could not be hidden. False peace or pretending peace can be immediately visible. When someone trying to avoid or escape from reality may preclude the presence of peace there will be a feeling of happiness, but not entirely peaceful.
Peace describes human behavior that release, something desirable but not owned. With human creativity will delay ownership of something can bring peace.
In religious traditions, the word peace is very important because it deals with the submission to the Creator. Human decision to move itself in the protection of the Creator, strengthen the mortal man. This surrender penetrated then undermine characterizations in humans until the only left is the Creator. Arriving at this level, people were ready to lay down very deep.
A human rights activist from Papua called me from Jajapura and said that she always feels misgivings stay there. There are a lot of eyes are watching her motion. Peace will remain buried deep in distress situations.
If P will be described in terms of the scale of P as peace may be placed between the numbers O through 10. People can not hide his situation which convey peace.
In the form of collective, peaceful describes P as a community effort, a concerted effort in seeking peace. Peace is needed so that the flow of the good life can continue to flow into the community. In many traditions of the people in Indonesia or everywhere including in the United States as seen in the American Indian community, peace must be made in the form of ritual to maintain a balance between human life with the universe around him. Human uncertainty in control and dredge the universe can cause restlessness, lack of peace.
Peace is exactly what happened in the relationship. Fear at an abstract level as if nothing could be connected with anyone or any other things, but when someone actually be scared he or she are related to someone else. Fear is personal. People can be afraid without anything, just as a result of the relationship with the self.
Because fear conflict could occur even war. People tend to be afraid to make it easier to put the fear of gossip to another person or group. Wars happen everywhere because of fear. In the Christian tradition as recorded in the New Testament, having fear eliminates God's love to share to human beings. In Islamic tradition, "salam" which is Arabic means Peace. It happens when people submit to God.
P of PIZZA is an attempt to reorganize the rubble or still life ever destroyed so that there is place of peace. When PIZZA starts to be assembled, one by one yourself or different groups begin to be integrated. P is the foundation of a life beyond the reality of stability and pride of ownership that exist around yourself when not facilitated to obtain the same right to life.
P of PIZZA is in action to win out yourself or group that provides a sense of security called "peaceful" by inviting other people into the relationship to build mutual peace.
P of PIZZA for Peace as a word, is most often used in everyday life in many languages with different saying all over the world. When I think about PIZZA to start P which is associated with Peace, I start thinking about the face of the PIZZA which is decorated with the symbol of "peace" as a universal symbol that is accepted around the world.
The imagination of PIZZA mentioned above now is being used as the cover of this blog to illustrate my point.
People see PIZZA with their hearty happy feeling. The word love is not necessarily directly to relate to the atmosphere of "peace". But both words, love and peace contain the words happy and peaceful happiness value, there is a joy on that words. A joy could not be hidden. False peace or pretending peace can be immediately visible. When someone trying to avoid or escape from reality may preclude the presence of peace there will be a feeling of happiness, but not entirely peaceful.
Peace describes human behavior that release, something desirable but not owned. With human creativity will delay ownership of something can bring peace.
In religious traditions, the word peace is very important because it deals with the submission to the Creator. Human decision to move itself in the protection of the Creator, strengthen the mortal man. This surrender penetrated then undermine characterizations in humans until the only left is the Creator. Arriving at this level, people were ready to lay down very deep.
A human rights activist from Papua called me from Jajapura and said that she always feels misgivings stay there. There are a lot of eyes are watching her motion. Peace will remain buried deep in distress situations.
If P will be described in terms of the scale of P as peace may be placed between the numbers O through 10. People can not hide his situation which convey peace.
In the form of collective, peaceful describes P as a community effort, a concerted effort in seeking peace. Peace is needed so that the flow of the good life can continue to flow into the community. In many traditions of the people in Indonesia or everywhere including in the United States as seen in the American Indian community, peace must be made in the form of ritual to maintain a balance between human life with the universe around him. Human uncertainty in control and dredge the universe can cause restlessness, lack of peace.
Peace is exactly what happened in the relationship. Fear at an abstract level as if nothing could be connected with anyone or any other things, but when someone actually be scared he or she are related to someone else. Fear is personal. People can be afraid without anything, just as a result of the relationship with the self.
Because fear conflict could occur even war. People tend to be afraid to make it easier to put the fear of gossip to another person or group. Wars happen everywhere because of fear. In the Christian tradition as recorded in the New Testament, having fear eliminates God's love to share to human beings. In Islamic tradition, "salam" which is Arabic means Peace. It happens when people submit to God.
P of PIZZA is an attempt to reorganize the rubble or still life ever destroyed so that there is place of peace. When PIZZA starts to be assembled, one by one yourself or different groups begin to be integrated. P is the foundation of a life beyond the reality of stability and pride of ownership that exist around yourself when not facilitated to obtain the same right to life.
P of PIZZA is in action to win out yourself or group that provides a sense of security called "peaceful" by inviting other people into the relationship to build mutual peace.
The beginning of PIZZA's arrangement. Yellow paprika presents the earth. |
Sekarang saya ingin menjelaskan tentang komponen perdamaian yang ada pada PIZZA. Di mulai dengan P sebagai kunci dari prinsip-prinsip di PIZZA, saya yang kemudian membahas P (Peace) bersama-sama dengan I (Incredible), P (Peace) dengan Zoom, (Peace) dengan Z (Zone) dan P (Peace) dengan A (Authenticity).
Sekarang saya ingin menjelaskan tentang komponen perdamaian yang ada pada PIZZA. Di mulai dengan P sebagai kunci dari prinsip-prinsip di PIZZA, saya yang kemudian membahas P (Peace) bersama-sama dengan I (Incredible), P (Peace) dengan Zoom, (Peace) dengan Z (Zone) dan P (Peace) dengan A (Authenticity).
P dari PIZZA
Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
P dari PIZZA
adalah Damai sebagai kata yang paling sering dipakai dalam hidup
sehari-hari dengan cara penyebutan yang berbeda-beda di seluruh dunia. Ketika
saya memikirkan tentang PIZZA kemudian melihat P yang terkait dengan Damai
dalam PIZZA saya memulainya dengan memikirkan wajah PIZZA yang dihiasi dengan
simbol "damai" sebagai simbol universal yang diterima di seluruh
Gambar PIZZA
yang menjadi cover dari blog PIZZA menggambarkan maksud saya.
melihat PIZZA hatinya merasa senang. Kata senang belum tentu berhubungan
langsung dengan suasana "damai". Tetapi kedua kata senang dan damai
mengandung nilai kebahagiaan, ada kegembiraan. Suatu kegembiraan tidak bisa
disembunyikan. Kedamaian yang semu atau pura-pura segera bisa terlihat. Ketika
seseorang mencoba menghindari atau melarikan diri dari realitas yang menghalangi kehadiran damai mungkin akan ada
perasaan bahagia, tetapi bukan sepenuhnya damai.
menggambarkan sikap manusia yang melepaskan, sesuatu yang diinginkan tetapi
belum dimiliki. Dengan kreativitas
manusia penundaan pemilikan sesuatu akan bisa membawa damai.
tradisi agama-agama, kata damai sangat penting karena berhubungan dengan
penyerahan diri kepada Sang Penciptata. Keputusan manusia untuk memindahkan
dirinya sendiri dalam perlindungan Sang Pencipta, menguatkan sang manusia yang
fana itu. Penyerahan diri ini menembusi kemudian meruntuhkan penokohan pada
manusia sampai yang hanya tertinggal adalah Sang Pencipta. Tiba pada tingkat
ini, manusia merasa siap berbaring dengan sangat mendalam.
aktivis HAM dari tanah Papua pernah menelepon saya dari Jajapura dan mengatakan
bahwa ia selalu merasa was-was tinggal di sana. Ada banyak mata yang mengawasi
gerak geriknya. Damai akan tetap terpendam dalam situasi ketertekanan.
Apabila P
akan digambarkan dalam bentuk skala maka P sebagai damai mungkin bisa
diletakkan di antara angka O sampai dengan 10. Manusia bisa menyembunyikan
keadaan dirinya yang belum menyampai damai.
Dalam bentuk
kolektif, P sebagai damai menjelaskan tentang upaya komunitas, upaya bersama
dalam mengupayakan damai. Damai diperlukan supaya aliran kehidupan yang baik
bisa terus mengalir ke dalam komunitas. Di banyak tradisi dari masyarakat di
Indonesia atau di mana-mana termasuk di Amerika Serikat seperti terlihat pada
komunitas Indian Amerika, damai harus
dilakukan dalam bentuk ritual untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara kehidupan
manusia dengan alam semesta di sekitarnya. Kegamangan manusia dalam mengontrol
dan mengeruk alam semesta bisa menyebabkan ketidaktenangan, ketiadaan damai.
ternyata terjadi dalam relasi. Ketakutan pada tingkat abstrak bisa seolah-olah
tidak terhubungan dengan siapapun atau barang apapun, tetapi ketika seseorang
menjadi takut sebenarnya ia sedang berelasi dengan seseorang lain. Ketakutan
bersifat personal. Orang bisa takut tanpa apa-apa, hanya sebagai akibat dari
relasi dengan diri sendiri.
ketakutan bisa terjadi konflik bahkan sampai perang. Orang takut cenderung
lebih mudah membuat gosip untuk menebarkan ketakutan kepada orang atau kelompok
lain. Perang-perang terjadi di mana-mana karena ketakutan. Dalam tradisi
Kristiani seperti tertulis dalam Perjanjian Baru, ketakutan menghilangkan kasih
Tuhan. Dalam tradisi Islam, "salam" yang berasal dari kata Arab berarti damai. Manusia sampai pada tahap damai ketika menyerahkan hidupnya kepada Allah.
P dari PIZZA
adalah upaya untuk menata kembali puing-puing kehidupan yang pernah atau masih
hancur sehingga belum ada kedamaian. Ketika PIZZA mulai dirangkai, satu per
satu diri sendiri atau kelompok-kelompok yang berbeda mulai diintegrasikan. P
menjadi fondasi dari kehidupan yang melebihi realitas kemapanan dan kebanggaan
diri terhadap kepemilikan yang ada ketika di sekitar diri sendiri belum
terfasilitasi untuk mendapatkan hak hidup yang sama.
P dari PIZZA
ada pada tindakan nyata meraih keluar diri sendiri atau kelompok yang
memberikan rasa aman yang disebut "damai" dengan mengundang orang
lain masuk dalam relasi untuk membangun bersama perdamaian tersebut.
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