P and I of PIZZA
By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
I've explained about the quality and nature of the existing P on PIZZA.
P as a foundation needs to be discussed together with I which stands for Incredible. Peace Incredible or Incredible Peace.
Incredible to be very prevalent said in explaining the meaning of the conditions could hardly believe, too extreme so it can not be imagined, although in reality there is.
In my experience a lot of work to facilitate conflict, peace is an agenda which is very difficult when a new feud broke out. In Halmahera, North Maluku, Indonesia, even the memory of the bitterness that had occurred giving rise to the conflict appeared with such rules are maintained in the payment of fines to the events that have been done by previous generations that occurred in the past.
People believe that history carved in the event that looks as though it happened today occurred in the past.
Incredible as a word in the original language is rooted in the word "credo" (Latin). Both incredible and credible root together. Both connote trust. Incredible means that believed it was something extraordinary.
Peace is believed to be something extreme. For people in the feud, peace is a project of the world can be seen across the force because there is interest.
Then people will ask, whether the agenda of the peace, who benefit from the peace. Peace according to whom?
Peace incredible offers the quality of life where peace is needed. Peace which would appear as something that can be trusted apparently have to go through a tortuous process.
Motivation to achieve peace takes time to sow the seeds of peace that has been given in human experience. Only those who have felt the peace will always want them in peace. But the feud that has been filled and peaceful experience possible shift will be there for a long time before you actually recover it once was.
Deterioration in the experience of bitterness because of violence acceptable can be verbal to physical extremes field to bring peace.
Human memory is also built along with self-esteem. Can peacefully coexist with the standing in a person because in this way feel concerned not to lose his self-esteem.
Arrived at a stage when the peaceful space could barely affordable then the thing to do is to create conditions that allow new experiences planted again to bring mutual trust.
Peace incredible as a trustworthy relationship it takes time. At the level of concrete actions in the proximity of the real experience can help bring confidence back. Proof take a long time and there are a lot of patience that flows to him.
Good intentions are not enough unless seen in the fact that can be measured.
Collectively long feud is very tiring. People want a quick break free from it. The rivalry can happen very quickly like trance, but returns back to a state of self before arriving bitterness need a very long time.
Sometimes a person back and forth to a counselor who facilitates peace and should be expensive if done for too long. Peace incredible person can do alone without expert facilitators. Peace is the incredible simplicity of asking whether the need is a realistic peace in the present moment or have to wait for some more time. But we need to believe. We must believe peace can be done even if it take at the right time.
By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
I've explained about the quality and nature of the existing P on PIZZA.
P as a foundation needs to be discussed together with I which stands for Incredible. Peace Incredible or Incredible Peace.
Incredible to be very prevalent said in explaining the meaning of the conditions could hardly believe, too extreme so it can not be imagined, although in reality there is.
In my experience a lot of work to facilitate conflict, peace is an agenda which is very difficult when a new feud broke out. In Halmahera, North Maluku, Indonesia, even the memory of the bitterness that had occurred giving rise to the conflict appeared with such rules are maintained in the payment of fines to the events that have been done by previous generations that occurred in the past.
People believe that history carved in the event that looks as though it happened today occurred in the past.
Incredible as a word in the original language is rooted in the word "credo" (Latin). Both incredible and credible root together. Both connote trust. Incredible means that believed it was something extraordinary.
Peace is believed to be something extreme. For people in the feud, peace is a project of the world can be seen across the force because there is interest.
Then people will ask, whether the agenda of the peace, who benefit from the peace. Peace according to whom?
Peace incredible offers the quality of life where peace is needed. Peace which would appear as something that can be trusted apparently have to go through a tortuous process.
Motivation to achieve peace takes time to sow the seeds of peace that has been given in human experience. Only those who have felt the peace will always want them in peace. But the feud that has been filled and peaceful experience possible shift will be there for a long time before you actually recover it once was.
Deterioration in the experience of bitterness because of violence acceptable can be verbal to physical extremes field to bring peace.
Human memory is also built along with self-esteem. Can peacefully coexist with the standing in a person because in this way feel concerned not to lose his self-esteem.
Arrived at a stage when the peaceful space could barely affordable then the thing to do is to create conditions that allow new experiences planted again to bring mutual trust.
Peace incredible as a trustworthy relationship it takes time. At the level of concrete actions in the proximity of the real experience can help bring confidence back. Proof take a long time and there are a lot of patience that flows to him.
Good intentions are not enough unless seen in the fact that can be measured.
Collectively long feud is very tiring. People want a quick break free from it. The rivalry can happen very quickly like trance, but returns back to a state of self before arriving bitterness need a very long time.
Sometimes a person back and forth to a counselor who facilitates peace and should be expensive if done for too long. Peace incredible person can do alone without expert facilitators. Peace is the incredible simplicity of asking whether the need is a realistic peace in the present moment or have to wait for some more time. But we need to believe. We must believe peace can be done even if it take at the right time.
Surely when peace can begin to understand exactly, actually it really is about the history of the feud and customs that exist to solve it. Denying this fact brings at a dead end of the peace process. The process starts but probably never finished. This tendency has always been the reason behind the existence of retaliation.
Peace incredible is not just the relationship issues that promote the beauty of the harmony that can be very apparent as tourism promotion. Peace incredible also not in the interest of international relations, but it is a part of life that must happen for the sake of the preservation of the universe and mankind.
Humans must open ourselves to the presence of the hand of the Creator who could bring a lot of ways to start peace.
P dan I dari PIZZA
Oleh Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
Oleh Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
Saya sudah
menjelaskan tentang kualitas dan sifat yang ada pada P dari PIZZA .
P sebagai dasar perlu dibahas bersama dengan I yang merupakan singkatan Incredible. Peace Incredible atau Incredible Peace. Perdamaian yang luar biasa atau luar biasa Perdamaian.
P sebagai dasar perlu dibahas bersama dengan I yang merupakan singkatan Incredible. Peace Incredible atau Incredible Peace. Perdamaian yang luar biasa atau luar biasa Perdamaian.
Kata Incredible menjadi sangat lasim dalam makna yang
menjelaskan kondisi yang hampir tidak bisa dipercayai, terlalu ekstrim sehingga
tidak bisa dibayangkan walaupun dalam realitas ada.
Dalam banyak pengalaman saya kerja memfasilitasi konflik,
perdamaian merupakan agenda yang sangat sulit ketika perseteruan baru pecah. Di
Halmahera, Maluku Utara, Indonesia, bahkan ingatan dari kepahitan yang pernah
terjadi sehingga menimbulkan konflik tampil diperlihara dalam aturan bersama
seperti pembayaran denda untuk peristiwa yang pernah dilakukan oleh generasi
sebelumnya yang terjadi pada masa lampau.
Damai dipercayai sebagai sesuatu yang ekstrem. Bagi orang
dalam perseteruan, damai adalah proyek dari dunia seberang yang dilihat bisa
memaksa karena ada kepentingan.
Kemudian orang akan bertanya, apakah agenda dari damai,
siapakah yang mendapat keuntungan dari damai tersebut. Damai menurut siapakah?
Peace incredible menawarkan kualitas kehidupan dimana
damai diperlukan. Damai yang akan tampil sebagai sesuatu yang bisa dipercayai
ternyata harus melalui proses yang berliku-liku.
Motivasi untuk meraih damai memerlukan waktu untuk
menyemai bibit perdamaian yang sudah diberikan dalam pengalaman manusia. Hanya
mereka yang pernah merasakan damai akan selalu menginginkan dirinya dalam
keadaan damai. Tetapi perseteruan yang sudah mengisi dan menggeser pengalaman
damai mungkin akan berada di sana untuk waktu yang lama sebelum benar-benar
kembali pulih seperti dulu.
Keterpurukan pada pengalaman kepahitan karena kekerasan
yang diterima secara verbal sampai fisik bisa menjadi ladang yang ekstrem untuk
menghadirkan damai.
Ingatan manusia dibangun juga bersama dengan harga diri.
Damai bisa hidup berdampingan dengan pendiaman dalam diri seseorang karena
dengan cara ini yang bersangkutan merasa tidak kehilangan harga dirinya.
Tiba pada tahap ketika ruang kepada damai hampir tidak
bisa terjangkau maka yang harus dilakukan adalah menciptakan kondisi yang
memungkinkan pengalaman baru ditanam lagi untuk menghadirkan saling percaya.
"Peace incredible" sebagai suatu relasi yang dipercayai
memang perlu waktu. Pada tingkat tindakan konkrit kedekatan dalam pengalaman
nyata bisa membantu menghadirkan kepercayaan kembali. Pembuktiannya perlu waktu
lama dan ada banyak kesabaran yang mengalir kepadanya.
Niat baik saja tidak cukup kecuali terlihat dalam
kenyataan yang bisa diukur.
Secara kolektif perseteruan yang lama sangat melelahkan.
Orang ingin cepat-cepat membebaskan diri darinya. Perseteruan dapat terjadi sangat cepat
seperti kerasukan, tetapi mengembalikan kembali keadaan diri pada titik nadir
sebelum kepahitan tiba perlu waktu yang sangat panjang.
Kadang-kadang seseorang bolak balik ke konselor yang
memfasilitasi damai dan menjadi mahal apabila harus dilakukan terlalu lama.
Peace incredible bisa dilakukan sendiri tanpa orang ahli menjadi fasilitator.
Kesederhaan dari Peace incredible adalah bertanya apakah kebutuhan perdamaian
adalah realitis pada saat sekarang atau harus menunggu beberapa waktu lagi.
Manusia harus percaya damai bisa dilakukan hanya perlu waktu yang tepat.
Memastikan kapan perdamaian bisa dimulai sebenarnya
ketika sungguh sudah mengerti tentang sejarah perseteruan dan kebiasaan yang
ada dalam menyelesaikannya. Mengingkari kenyataan ini berakibatnya pada jalan
buntu. Proses dimulai tetapi mungkin
tidak pernah selesai. Kecenderungan
inilah yang selalu menjadi alasan adanya pembalasan balik.
Peace incredible bukan sekedar masalah hubungan yang
mempromosikan keindahan dari suatu kerukunan yang bisa sangat semu seperti
promosi wisata. Peace incredible juga bukan untuk kepentingan hubungan
internasional, tetapi adalah bagian dari kehidupan yang harus terjadi demi
pelestarian semesta dan umat manusia.
Manusia harus membuka diri pada kehadiran tangan Sang
Pencipta yang bisa menghadirkan banyak cara untuk memulai perdamaian.
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