


Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Google Promoting Peace in the World. Go Google! Happy New Year 2014

Google promoting peace in the world. 
Go Google! Happy New Year 2014!
By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta

2013 is coming to the pick. By turn of the year, when the hours, minutes, and seconds continue moving, I wanted to write this article. In 2013, I celebrated 2 years of my blog titled Indonesiaku Indonesianmu Indonesia untuk semua and a year of  Movement on Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua ( A Petition of Indonesian Citizens for the justice and peace in Papua). I marked the celebration by having the exebition on Blog and Visual Art on  Indonesiaku Indonesiamu Indonesian untuk semua that was helt at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta in last May 2013. The idea of doing the show was to share the peace movement and tolerance of nationhood and statehood from the virtual world to the " real time " . Yogyakarta became a real city of peace and justice to spread out the movement to other citizens of Indonesia, and especially to raise awareness about the justice and peace in Papua. At the exibition, there was a day Papuan festival of Peace that brought Papuans around Yogyakarta and Semarang and Indonesian people to celebrate the Papuan culture of peace and had a deep discussion about the solution of Papuan conflict.  Two books were published at the time which were books titled Indonesiaku Indonesiamu Indonesia untuk semua and Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua. Implementation of the exibition which lasted for ten days in order to celebrate the Reform Movemnt in Indonesia, also conveyed a message of peace from the Palestine, God reconciles in Gaza.

I never realized that  the movement starting from the virtual world back in "real time " to the community in Yogyakarta has been  transmitted to Boston and still is ongoing back to the world now.  

I am after  our car accident, have many opportunities to write about the struggles for justice and peace in Papua to explore the spirit of the peace movement that has been recorded in history together , events and art exhibitions on the blog Indonesiaku Indonesiamu  Indonesia untuk semua. My consciousness became stronger after my eyes revealed that movement is possible because of GOOGLE.

It was so touching. The  day after Christmas, we were still in Berkeley , California , the morning when I wanted to prepare for the most recent posts , I was shocked to read the news about a Christmas gift from Google. I opened the blinking red sign and  and it was very surprised when I clicked it to turn out that Google  made ​​a video with the song for a summary of my activities in 2013. The document has never published as a video. So I wrote the introduction to the video then clicked on the " Share " to be able to spread out worldwide  to Google+ and other networks .  Below are the introduction written in Indonesian and English.
 " Good morning, friends around the world. Hope you are all having a good time with your families and networks during this holiday season. Google gives surprise and Christmas gifts to the world. I woke up an was surprised to receive an automatic video seen on google+ on me. Google has deployed a call for peace and justice in the human struggle in the world, as I use the blog and google+ to write my anxiety about violence, war that continues to happen in this world. As an Indonesian,  I am grateful to Google. Christmas gift from Google I want to share with all  those affordable by the virtual world relationship. We all want to live a just, prosperous and peaceful place in the world. I congratulate the Christmas and New Year to all my sisters and brothers, our fellow human beings who live in different parts of the world but connected by Google. Thank you Google! Greetings of peace. Visit my blog English   and  an Indonesian blog on Getting my notifications through
my Tweets <Farsijana Adeney-R@FarsijanaAR>
Selamat pagi, sahabat-sahabat di seluruh dunia. Harap sahabat-sahabat sedang menikmati bersama keluarga dan jejaringnya  selama liburan panjang ini.  Google memberikan kejutan dan hadiah Natal kepada dunia. Saya bangun dan terkejut mendapat video otomatis yang terlihat pada google + saya. Google telah menyebarkan panggilan perdamaian dan keadilan dalam perjuangan manusia di dunia sebagaimana saya gunakan blog dan google + untuk menulis kegelisahan saya tentang kekerasan, perang yang terus terjadi dalam dunia ini. Sebagai seorang Indonesia, saya berterima kasih kepada Google. Hadiah Natal dari Google saya ingin bagikan kepada semua orang yang terjangkau oleh hubungan dunia maya. Kita semua ingin hidup yang adil, sejahtera dan damai terjadi di dunia ini. Saya mengucapkan selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru untuk semua saudara saya, sesama manusia yang tinggal di belahan dunia berbeda tetapi dihubungkan oleh Google. Terima kasih Google! Salam damai. Silahkan kunjungi blog saya dalam bahasa Inggeris atau dalam bahasa Indonesia Dapatkan pemberitahuan dari saya melalui Twitter saya <Farsijana Adeney-R@FarsijanaAR>”

Changing world of social movement has occured, performed since Gandhi was in South Africa  where he wrote and publised them on the independent magazines to broaden public awareness about colonialism and liberation from it. Now the same movement can be done more systematically across the nation, states, ethnicities , religions touches the conscience of humankind because of the availability of computer technology and network tremendous in this millennium century. Google has a very large role in the development of a network system that enables peace movements in the entire universe of mutual binding to present a friendly face and love of humankind .

The dark side of humanity that occurred in the real human being with a very easy time corrupting people because the wall is also available in the virtual world .  Computer networks used to spread hatred among human beings, the human ego, focusing on human sexuality, human sexuality as human rights and rob lied to calm themselves. Positive aspects of computer network become very wasteful when suddently in the space of a private display ads that appear forced to see and buy. After the process of my writings to be integrated into the systems  through blogger with google + and other facilitation operated by Google , I feel, not only should be grateful but also panicked because it keeps being chased to ask permission to display photos of the virtual world. The phots that I did not choose availalbe on my  smarthphone as if it is already owned by Google . I remember my friend saying that greatly the development of information technology to  simplify disabled people to drive them to the citizens of the world in the same boat to continue the struggle for their rights , but at the same time making scary. People cringe when privacy rights usurped by the intervention of advanced technology systems that can fit in a person's system and urged that the discovery material to be published .

 My appreciation to Google in driving the social movement through a virtual network, such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and other facilities are very large. I almost never imagined before, that within two years, my blog readers of Inodonesiaku Indonesiamu Indonesia untuk semua has reached 31,000 people. People who read the blog according to the statistic provided by blogger come from Indonesia, USA, France, Holland, England, Germany, Rusia, Finland, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan etc. My blog in English , PIZZA ( Peace Incredible Zoom Zone Authenticity ) that just launched when I arrived last August 2013 in Boston now has reached more than 3000 readers . Bringing PIZZA to Boston is my commitment to continue the peace movement from Yogyakarta to Boston.

Boston as the location was selected as one of 10 best picture in 2013 . Boston as the city to be choosen for the best picture of 2013 in the world not because here  where are all the top universities in the world but due in April 2013 bombing that led to marathon runners and spectators died and were injured. Best photos of Boston this year is the screams of injure due to bomb one experienced by marathon runners. Toward the close of 2013, through virtual media, the news of the bomb in Rusia has spread out very fast all over the world, especially worrying by contingents from various countries who will attend the Olympic in Rusia.

World keeps getting older, but tension of power struggles among her citizens of the world has not stopped. Tensions were exacerbated after the technology was created with the purpose of bringing happiness to humankind becomes a tool for self-destruction. Many analyzes have explained the origin of the tension of the 21st century as part of the heritage of the ancient world. Human power is rooted in the nature of imperialism itself  that still apply in the movement to build peace in this modern age. Imperialism of power struggles among humankind cause scapegoats on religions and their followers to be provoked.  Religious imperialism is actually far from the nature -loving religion of peace and recognizes the equal rights of humankind before God .

Google and a variety of computer netwrk systems will continue to be called to buid commitment to the human world affair, prosperous and peaceful. I am writing this to thank Google for my bloggers into submission tool for peace on earth. Now I am more aware that the exhibitions and art blog for Indonesianku Indonesianmu Indonesia untuk semua also being publicly exhibited around the world as possible by Google.

As a gift for Google, I painted a peace sign that is driven by Google. The letter "G"  of Google I give a smll tree sign, which means that "bertumbuh" in Indonesia or "growth" in English. Google will continue to grow convey peace throughout the world. I gave the title of my   English blog which is an extension of the PIZZA for Peace Incredible Zoom Zone Authenticity  which  is a part of Google products for world peace. In the zone of Google , with the ability to zoom to various events in the world , the peace movement became very original and extraordinary incredible important to continue fighting by all human beings , without distinction of layers of the earth . This virtual zone must reflect on the real time zone.

Happy New Year 2014 with Google, humankind enters the arena of peace from real time to cyber zone o back to real time zone. Peace movement must be rooted in humans,in the community as I do it and then write stories to provide assurance to the world that peace is a blessing of God that is given to all human beings without distinction , the right to be recognized and known in order to strive in the way of peace to pass the beauty of God's way forward in the creation of this world. This is the gift of a trip in 2013 which will be passed in 2014.

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