Understanding of God:
The road to justice and peace in the world!
By Farsijana Adeney – Risakotta
By Farsijana Adeney – Risakotta
I keep writing because only that I can I do now. But there are many questions that arise from our friends. They asked how I could interpret the accident which resulted in the suffering of my own body to be comparable to the death of was happening to the people of Papua. There is a view I can do work associated with Papua without having to go through this pain now. Many are recognizing that writing is a way to heal myself because I need time to recover. Some people think I build positive thoughts about what’s goint on with us and hope that my husband will also be infected with this view. To their amazements, I have carried the suffering of the body by putting it in perspective that is supported by detailed explanations so that it can strengthen the other fellows. There is a perceived need to pray more to us because of this accident. People think that the way I faced this tragedy is not much anyone can do. On top of all the comments, I am grateful there are a lot of friends who continue to pray for my healing.
I have
written about the actual date of the accident along with the dates when the Papuan students
in Jayapura, protesting government plans to cooperate with the
central government to replace the UU Otsos Papua (Special Autonomy Law of Papua) with the Special Autonomy Law of Papua Plus. I wrote an article specifically related to the prophetic voice of the
Rev. Benny Giay, who led the resistance movement against the government 's plan
includes asking about why the students were detained by
police and some were put into jail when
they questioned the status of the preparation of new law. Reflecting this case, the nature of democracy that has changed the face of politics in Indonesia, is not applicable in Papua. The Papuan continue to be depressed who cannot ask about
injustice that is going through the system and and the absence of peace
because people live in fear. The students protest occurred on the same date
when we had
an accident . The date was 11/4/2013 ( the fourth of November 2013) .
My amazement
grew stronger because of spinal fractures are the
T - 11 and L - 4 . Once again , the same number appears , namely 11 and 4 . I
'm not using numberlogy to interpret what happened to me. However, the numbers of 11 and 4
are important to me, because in the month of May 2013
I did a solo exhibition with the title of the blog and the visual arts
exhibition of “Indonesianku Indonesiamu Indonesia untuk semua” (my
Indonesia, your Indonesia, Indonesia for all). The exhibition showcased my artwork totaling 44
pieces . These work are divided into four sections each containing 11 works of arts . The first part is wire artwork entitled 11 national law satire. The second part is
the 11 paintings that
visualize the poems I posted on the blog for “Indonesianku Indonesianmu Indonesia untuk
semua”. The third part is the 11 pictures that I took from my own collection as a
photographer called peace photographs. 11 pictures are made by giving the meaning specified in the sentence to explain the nature of each of these
photos. Eleventh
peace photographs are part of
the peace movement as I am a member of the mepeace online organizations to support the settlement of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Sentences of photos are all written in English. The
fourth part, the
latter is the work of 11 posters containing narrative writings, and criticism comes with the
photographs that reflect the topics of discussion studied and published on the same blog.
I want to connect this article with
my larger struggle that I have done
since I was forced
to change the subtance of my PhD research because I faced a frightening incident. It all started
when I was doing my PhD research on the impact of globalization
for rural communities
in Galela, Halmahera, North Maluccas. My PhD research was
a continuation of the questions contained in the
footnotes of my thesis. I wrote a thesis to earn a
master's degree in the field of development ethics related to cultural values
in Galela, North Maluku where people were not involved in the development program
spearheaded by conglomerate, investors from Jakarta.
People become victims because they lost their land.
Resistance formed among the people who
refused to sell the land of coconut plantations that causing
the land was then surrounded by banana plantations owned by
transnational company with the purpose of export to Japan. Bananas producted
in Galela but the product sold under the name of Bali
Inn. Galela as the name of market selling is not too well
known compared to Bali, the island of
the gods, where tourists from all over the world know her exoticm.
But Galela
later became very famous not because of banana products , but was used as
a proper name when mass violence involving Christian and Muslim communities committed attacking and killing each other. Media in Java portrayed
violence as a manipulative
mass violence to attract the attention of Muslims in Indonesia because there were Muslim
communities named Galela were slaughtered by the Christian community in the most remote areas in
the eastern part of
Indonesia . I know that the description given by the media was very
manipulative because the reality was not like that (Adeney-Risakotta: 2005). But in a way this would be no movement depiction of Muslims in Indonesia to support the
humanitarian team led by Jihad to Maluku. I insisted on not going back to my research
area , in the predominantly Muslim vilage, which Ngidiho
because my presence would be confusing for them, whether Christian, because I
am a Christian but studied and lived with the Muslim community.
Then I heard about oom Din, who is the
head of the family from where I
lived in Ngidiho convened by the Jihad because they accused me as a spy before
violence occured during my staying with the family. Thankfully they were able to obtain my research permits which were
stored in local government office in Ternate when I took care of them after arriving from the Netherlands before
going to Ngidiho, in Galela, North Halmahera island, North Maluku. Oom
Din finally released.
The first time I went to Ngidiho
with my husband. We were
received very well by the village government and the Din family that I chose to
stay for a year of research. Then we planed, my husband would
be back again with me to celebrate Eid together with
brothers and sisters in Ngidiho. In 1999 the celebration of Christmas
and Eid occured adjacent to each
other. Eid
was celebrated before
But this plan did not happen because we heard about the existence of
mass violence between Christians and Muslims
in North Halmahera Island. The plan initially, after the Eid and Christmas in
Ngidiho, my husband would give a lecture on STT GMIH given in accordance with
the invitation from them.
But before we had crossed over from North Sulawesi to Ternate, the news of
the conflict had come to us. My husband still
wanted to go there mainly to Tobelo along with
the church to help stopping the violence there. His attempts several times to look for a ship were no vail. While waiting and trying on, my husband’s neck grew ulcers. We went to check out the hospital in Manado
where then recommended for further investigation as there was suspicion associated
with infection or
tumor. Finally we returned to Java, to Kediri because there are
some American doctors at Baptis hospital, but they suggested us to Singapore
because they do not have a sophisticated laboratory. We finally got to Singapore. They did a surgery to take the lump but until now not known what caused it. I told
my husband, I
believe the lump grew to prevent him from his desire to go to Halmahera in the wrong time.
So if now we were
both back again confronted with the
accident that almost killed, then I know there is God’s plan for
us. I especially still see the relationship between my work in Halmahera
with movements for justice and peace
that I have done with my Indonesian fellows to establish justice
and peace in Papua. Both North Halmahera and Papua are the areas
that are very lush and abundant with mining . The riots
ended with mass violence involving religious people began debate
about territorial claims involving two communities, the natives, the Kao and the immigrant, the
Makian. Makian
moved from island Makian closely to Ternate island
after a volcanic eruption to Halmahera island, in the land of the Kao tribes. Disaster of the conflict that spread out to occupacy other districts
around Halmahera which were divided into Muslim and Christian communities,
caused thousand died. Exported target of banana plantation set in Galela, North
Moluccas which became the pride of the Eastern Indonesian development to bring
more than one billion dollars and various labour from all over Indonesia and
the world finally collapsed as a result of mass violence in the region
(Adeney-Risakotta, 2005). It took
approximately four years more before the people
of each village can be returned to its original position. The changes
seen in the
composition in the rural communities that previously
lived together in one village, both Muslim and Christian, are now more likely each religious community to live apart from each another.
While most of the indigenous people in North Halmahera both
Muslims and Christians are blood relations.
Since then, after earning my PhD, I promise to always be working with the people at the grass roots, those
who do not have
power and easily
marginalized. I gave ten years to work directly linked to
peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in conflict
zones. I facilitated the children in the surrounding area to where they live in Yogyakarta. They were the children of Muslims who then could help Christian
children from conflict
areas in Galela to be healed from their trauma. Christian children were orphaned whose
parents died in the conflict in Galela. These children were taken to Yogyakarta by a foundation that cared to send the children to school.
When they arrived in Yogya, they always shocked and frightened to see veiled
women because it reminded them of the incident
in the village of Duma, in Galela, Halmehera where their parents were killed by the Muslims.
So these children every encounter with veiled women
often fainted and fell self unconscious
anywhere. I heard about this story and decided to bring the children
home to me. I drove them from the house
where they lived together to take to my house. I played
music and songs that I recorded while doing research in Galela. Folk songs
accompanied by drums made them were very happy. They said:
"Oh, it is our song from our village." We danced
Dance teacher, Tina and her husband, Wawan who has helped me for children activity at our Pendopo involved to
work with this orphans. We made a trauma healing programs for
children. In addition to dancing,
storytelling and children described their stories in the form of paintings. Then children tell the meaning of their paintings. Their paintings depicted about the war situation. Wawan then guided them to
reinforce each painting associated with coloring
and composition. Sometimes
they came to clean up our garden where I would discuss about how their land in their village are procced to ready for planting and harvesting
time. Then I cooked for them
and we ate together. Other times, they came to watch a movie together , followed by a discussion. They became involved creating their own dances using
the music of their village.
After these Christian children getting stronger, I brought them to meet Muslim children who had danced at our dancing program at different day. Children always dance at our pendopo which is a front open space for people to use. Children
always love dancing together.
what most surprised me was these Muslim children asked me whether they could bring a wall ornament inscribed with Arabic letters meaning Creed which relates to Sahada (There is no god but Allah) . I allow the Muslim children to put on the wall the Arabic inscribed ornament. Until now the east wall of the pavilion (pendopo) is still visible wall hangings with Arabic script. I explained to the Christian children about the symbol
which belongs to the Muslim and showed them about the Christian symbols that exist on the pendopo floor which contains of two lines meeting to form the line
of the cross and in the
middle there is a circle that shows a brilliant pearl as a precious gift from
God to us . The sign of the cross signifies the people come from various majors
and tied in a warm affection of God for all human beings, as God's precious creation. Children accepted each other
and they danced together, celebrated the life that has been refurbished to
provide relief to children Christian. When there was the earthquake in Yogyakarta, in 2006, these children, Muslim and Christian came to visit the children whose homes were
destroyed for comforting their families in the time of lost.
the children from Duma already graduated from schools in
Yogyakarta and had returned to Galela, in Halmahera, North Moluccas, Indonesia.
With the youth from
conflict areas such as Maluku and Poso, whom attended their school in
Yogyakarta, I encouraged them to facilitate peace. Young people gathered at
our house for the first time after many years not seeing each other because of the trauma of the
conflict in Maluku. I invited them to come to
our house to begin their meetings.
Then we did some discussion related to the topic of how to understand the
origin of the similarity of the two communities, Muslim and Christian who are the original
inhabitants. Once they accepted, with previously traversed by past suspicions
among each other, they could finally sit down with me to facilitate preparation
for cultural Moluccas dialogue.
Our house every week was infested
by young people who later formed the committee to plan the cultural Moluccas dialogue. While continuing to finalized concept
of the program of the cultural Maluccas dialogue, we started the activity
involving young people who gathered together to sing, dance, and storytelling together. They were asked to create a dance that shows the
origin of the bloodhood of Muslims and Christians
in Maluku. The dance was later given the name
"tali pusar” (umbilical
cord) of two communities, Muslims and Christians
in Maluku". I
created educational videos that contain stories of
how young people could get together to start building peace
between them, and then from there to reach community leaders, the indigenous communities in Maluku. For four months, the
program was compiled together including creating and
practing the dance. I
wrote the
narration of the dance and together with young Maluku, the dance was created to
present at the official ritual of one nation at the Sultanate Palace in
A ritual of one nation was performed at the Sultan Palace in Yogyakarta
The program was divided
into four phases. Firstly, strengthening young people Moluccas , the Muslims and
Christians was an important starting point to help them coming back together after
their experiences of separation. Secondly , these young
people Moluccas were empowered to prepare a peace program which invited parents ,
traditional leaders , religious communities around Yogyakarta
and later from Maluku to come to Yogyakarta to attend cultural Moluccas dialogue . Thirdly, facilitating the youth desained the implementation of the cultural Moluccas dialogue in Yogyakarta involving Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, the governor of Yogyakarta and several national facilitators
who functioned to run the program. Fourthly , encouraging the grass roots leaders and the government to
continue the cultural Maluccas Dialogues which would be followed by traditional
practices carried out between Muslim and
Christian in Maluccas.
The program was expanded throughout the province of Maluku. The program was very influential on peace efforts with the two religious communities to keep the relations of “baku bae” (reconciliation) as part of culture and customs of the Moluccas. Government involvement to reinforce basic cultural kinship between Muslims and Christians carried out during the celebration of the anniversary of the city of Ambon in August 2006 when all the people, both Christians and Muslims engaged in so-called “Panas Pela” (mutual visit among sibling ties). Pela is a designation to describe the bond between Muslims and Christians as sibling of the blood passed from generation to generation offspring even develop in a village. They also are associated with other family members raised a family without blood relationship through adoption so happens fraternity like siblings. Fraternity between related family since Pela through adoption evolved into fraternity between villages.
The program was expanded throughout the province of Maluku. The program was very influential on peace efforts with the two religious communities to keep the relations of “baku bae” (reconciliation) as part of culture and customs of the Moluccas. Government involvement to reinforce basic cultural kinship between Muslims and Christians carried out during the celebration of the anniversary of the city of Ambon in August 2006 when all the people, both Christians and Muslims engaged in so-called “Panas Pela” (mutual visit among sibling ties). Pela is a designation to describe the bond between Muslims and Christians as sibling of the blood passed from generation to generation offspring even develop in a village. They also are associated with other family members raised a family without blood relationship through adoption so happens fraternity like siblings. Fraternity between related family since Pela through adoption evolved into fraternity between villages.
Departing from my experience
to supplement the capacity of the community
so that they can keep peace among themselves and attempts to write in the paper so that other
ordinary people can understand how an individual or group that led to engage in acts
of mass violence. I try to see
the same phenomenon in cases of violence in other areas
throughout Indonesia. It is true, the incidence of violence in one place cannot
be used to justify the ethnographically size about violence
But I want to build an argument that ordinary people need to understand about how easily they are considered a staple of social conflict, including conflict of religious background. I would like to see further the relationship between the social conflicts that occurred in various places with the community's efforts to halt the expansion of social conflict. At the same time, I want to know how social conflict is built upon the interests of those in power associated with economic interests and exploration of natural resources.
But I want to build an argument that ordinary people need to understand about how easily they are considered a staple of social conflict, including conflict of religious background. I would like to see further the relationship between the social conflicts that occurred in various places with the community's efforts to halt the expansion of social conflict. At the same time, I want to know how social conflict is built upon the interests of those in power associated with economic interests and exploration of natural resources.
All my thoughts I shared in my blogs especially in “Indonesianku
Indonesiamu Indonesia untuk semua, so that the little people are not manipulated
again for the benefit of those in power . Religion can easily become the
cause of conflict as I discovered on the use of flyers anonymous letter linking
Christianity with efforts to seize hidden areas in eastern part of
Indonesia . I want to prevent the reccurrence of conflict at the expense of
ordinary citizens from areas rich in natural resources .
That's enough of thousands of people died in Papua , Maluku , Poso in Sulawesi,
in Borneo , in Sumatra , everywhere where are rich in natural resources.
In this line of thinking, I seem to feel that the omniscient God’s work in me is not finished yet. I am reminded of Psalm 139 that seems to explain
about my life.
It says:
...“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from
your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; If I make my bed in
the depths, you are there, If I rise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on
the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand
will hold me fast. If I say.., “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light
become night around me, even the
darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for
darkness is as light to you. For you
created my inmost being; you knit me
together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful, I know that full well. .. .How
precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to
count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand, When I awake, I am still
with you”... (verses 7-17)
I once asked
my mother, why I was given the name like grandma. My full name is Farsijana
Rohny Cootje. My mother
said she was so ill
after giving birth so she did not know about how my name was. The names
of all her children were given by my father. Before my father died , I asked again about
the meaning of my name . When I was a teenager I asked the meaning of
my name , but he would not tell . When I was at high school, I
wanted to know my
name, not the name that sounded bad when it was called everytime my
mother was upset with me, she shouted Far...si...ja...na... Everyday I was called “Nona” . Only in Yogyakarta, at
school I was called Farsijana
. I so did not like
that name, Farsijana. But at schools in Yogyakarta each student must use the
name of he/her birth
certificate. So I had no other option to not want to know about my name before I began to allow people to call my name, Farsijana.
When I want
to understand, my father said I have to live with it. Huh , why my father played with me . So I had to wait since the
first grade of my high school in Yogyakarta until my graduation at STT Jakarta. One day, a week before my father passed away,
suddenly remembered my name , in the late afternoon , I asked him. . He
asked for a paper and wrote down the meaning because he could not speak because of a stroke. He wrote about the meaning of my name, Farsijana. Earlier he
said I 've lived in my name. Farsijana derived from Fa
because I was born in February, and sijana which is a Sankrit that means seeking
knowledge. Fa and sijana is tied up with
“r” which derives from my middle name,
Rohny, written in Arabic that means holy
spirit (ruah in Hebrew, roh in Arabic). My third name is Cootje, is the name of
my grandmother who gave birth to my
mother on Serui island, in Papua. So the whole meaning of my name, Farsijana Rohny Cootje is a girl born in February filled with the Spirit of God, seeking knowledge, sharing it, taking care of my families and communities. Because Cootje is my grandmother, a nurse who was with my grandfather worked in the hospital in Serui, Papua.
The stronger within
myself, about God 's mission for me to write about what I'm working for
religious peace in Indonesia , also for justice in
Papua. This mission is not my mission, but it is the will of
God. . I fell asleep and woke up two times to find my elbow
dislocated and my spinal fractures of T - 11 and L – 4. I know I do not understand much about what
God's plan for me, but I heard with my deep conscience about
how God turned me to follow God’s way which
is not the will of my own. God does not allow me to do
anything except write!
I am not a robot,
to go along with what God wants, but I was given the name. I have the spirit and wisdom of God to interpret
the signs that came to me and actually follow me because
the darkness is not dark to God is surrounded day
and night by light shining directly from God . I'm grateful now I already
know what God put in my understanding, to start acting in faith because God is
guiding my own. God wants justice for
the truth happens to remind those in power does justice to God and
repent in using ordinary people as if they were the cause
of social
and religious conflicts in the world today.
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