What happened on December 1st in Papua?
By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
This morning I published two announcements on the page "Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua". I quote the two announcements.
The first announcement: By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta
This morning I published two announcements on the page "Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua". I quote the two announcements.
Good morning brothers and sisters supporting: " Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" . Greetings amalulukee. Although there are about 12 hours difference between East Coast Time, to of Western Indonesia Time, within 24 hours on December 1st, 2013, Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua convey gratitude to God Almighty for the celebration of the anniversary Papua in Papua without causing casualties on civilians. " Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" would like to thank the local leaders , especially Chairman of the Parliament of Papua , Regional Commander VII / Bird of Paradise , Papua police chief , religious leaders , community leaders to control the civilians so that the celebration of gratitude can be done in a safe condition and full of joy. With the safe and controlled conditions, is expected to community efforts to establish a dialogue with the local and central government related to the Papuan people aspirations which can be pursued wisely and fairly. Greetings to Papua solidarity to NKRI (Nation State of Indonesian Republic).
" Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" expresses gratitude to the online media, The Global Review , World Development Information Guides which ihabits the office at DARIA Building Suite 402 Jl . Iskandarsyah Raya, No.7. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. This online media has used the logo " Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" in the news with the title of " National Interest , Anniversary Papua shows Foreign Intervention on Espionage and Threats to the Integrity of the NKRI". The report published on 27-11-2013 by Sulendro as an observer on politic and democracy. Presumably the use of the logo " Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" is at once an acknowledgment of the efforts of “Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua” in upholding justice and peace in Papua. The principles of justice and peace is written in Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Papua Special Autonomy Law (Law No. 21 of 2001) . which empowers justice of indigenous Papuans , especially those who are in the land of Papua , those who fight alongside the people of Indonesia for justice and peace that bring the government and all citizens of Indonesia to imply. Indonesia's pioneering on the establishment of justice and peace in Papua will be tested by either native Papuans or fellow citizens of Indonesia and in the eyes of the international world. Presumably a concerted effort to remind and encourage each other to achieve justice and peace in Papua performed with a sincere heart and with a willingness to provide the basic rights of life which is run by indigenous Papuans in policy and empowerment are being built together in Papua. Participation of indigenous Papuans is the key to the establishment of justice and peace in Papua. "Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" thanks fellow citizens of NKRI who have supported the movement for justice and peace enforcement. Greetings amalulukee (Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta).
Link to online news from The Global Review can be seen in the portal
" Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" expresses gratitude to the online media, The Global Review , World Development Information Guides which ihabits the office at DARIA Building Suite 402 Jl . Iskandarsyah Raya, No.7. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. This online media has used the logo " Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" in the news with the title of " National Interest , Anniversary Papua shows Foreign Intervention on Espionage and Threats to the Integrity of the NKRI". The report published on 27-11-2013 by Sulendro as an observer on politic and democracy. Presumably the use of the logo " Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" is at once an acknowledgment of the efforts of “Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua” in upholding justice and peace in Papua. The principles of justice and peace is written in Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Papua Special Autonomy Law (Law No. 21 of 2001) . which empowers justice of indigenous Papuans , especially those who are in the land of Papua , those who fight alongside the people of Indonesia for justice and peace that bring the government and all citizens of Indonesia to imply. Indonesia's pioneering on the establishment of justice and peace in Papua will be tested by either native Papuans or fellow citizens of Indonesia and in the eyes of the international world. Presumably a concerted effort to remind and encourage each other to achieve justice and peace in Papua performed with a sincere heart and with a willingness to provide the basic rights of life which is run by indigenous Papuans in policy and empowerment are being built together in Papua. Participation of indigenous Papuans is the key to the establishment of justice and peace in Papua. "Petisi Warganegara NKRI untuk Papua" thanks fellow citizens of NKRI who have supported the movement for justice and peace enforcement. Greetings amalulukee (Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta).
Link to online news from The Global Review can be seen in the portal
After I published the two announcements, a question arised in me. I asked: "What happened to December 1st in Papua? I followed the news about the date of December 1, 2013 in Papua, where people were prohibited from raising the Morning Star flag. From a variety of online media, I read about the efforts of local governments, religious leaders and community leaders forbade citizens to raise the Morning Star flag. This effort can prevent violence such as shootings that have been submitted by the policemen when the Morning Star flag was raised. Policy of Papuan leaders highly appreciated especially to avoid violence victims in civil society.
But if so we stopped to ask about what happened, and what we know about the December 1st, in Papua ? We live in a democracy as a result of the Reformation movement which provides the condition for people of Indonesia to understand and read broadly the historical records that were hidded. Movement of 30 September 1965, which was followed by the annihilation of the PKI followers have implications for the common life in the state of RI . History exhumed to understand how the violence that occurred in Indonesia for a long period associated with the eradication of communist followers. There are many lessons that can be constructed from studies conducted by the Indonesian people themselves to pursue national reconciliation after Indonesia killed hundreds of thousands of anti- communist campaign. Together with experts from outside Indonesia, Indonesian people have the support of the government to discuss the violence that hit Indonesia.
Departing from Indonesian openness that is, I want to continue my desire to know about what happened on December 1st, in Papua. First of all I checked to Wikipedia to find out what is written there. The explanation I get was from The English Wikipedia related to explanation of December 1st, in which the Morning Star flag was raised over the year from December 1, 1961-1 Desember 1962. The government of the Netherlands raised the the Morning Star flag which is the Papuan flag side by side with the Dutch flag in December 1, 1961, in Papua which was called Holandia by the Dutch. The reason of why the new flag raised was because at that time the Dutch government has prepared Papua to become an independent country. Papua, which at that time was called Holandia, was the only area that was colonized by the Dutch after II World War.
Holandia was a region that was no different from other Dutch regional territory, namely the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) both of which were the Japanese’s colonize of the area. II World War was won by the Allies (NATO) led to Japan's defeat. Indonesia, which has been prepared by Japan announced its independence on August 17, 1945. But the Dutch back carried by NICA and occupied Holandia (Papua) from the year of 1945 to 1962. From this Holandia, the Dutch made various efforts to re-master the Indonesian throughout revolution war conducted by the Indonesian until the Dutch recognized Indonesian sovereignty in 1949. From 1949 until 1961, the Dutch colonizers remained to continue with Holandia or Papua.
In my article titled " Flashback of May 1, 1963 , " West Irian " ( Papua ) Dutch handed over to Indonesia " , which was published on 29 April 2013 shows that the country of Hollandia to be established by the Dutch was a puppet state. Netherlands decided to establish a state of Papua New because the pressure exerted by the government of Indonesia, which was Soekarno, who gave a speech at the United Nations Forum in September 30, 1960. Speech of President Soekarno and bilateral diplomacy were not successful due to the Netherlands in 1961 of UN court announced the establishment of the state of Papua New (Holandia). History records that came only 19 days after the puppet state of Papua New standed, President Sukarno formed TRIKORA operations ( Tri Komando Rakyat ). This operation lasted for approximately 8 months since the date of August 15, 1961, the Dutch handed over Papua New (Holandia) to the United Nations Temporary Executive (UNTEA). UNTEA in control to Holandia (Papua) when the Netherlands signed the New York Agreement on August 15, 1962. Since the date of August 15, 1962 until May 1, 1963, UNTEA tasked to build Holandia (Papua). Development fund administered by the Dutch for $ 30 millions. Indonesia's obligation to provide fund following the administration Netherlands paid in 1968 when the Indonesian re-entry to the United Nations .
Interesting to note was about the courage of Soekarno to start the TRIKORA war because of Sukarno’s expertise in lobbying President Kennedy. After attending the UN Forum September 30, 1960, President Sukarno used the opportunities at the moment in the United States to visit President Kennedy who was ill at the time. According to Nicolaus Joouwe Soekarno arrival surprised the President Kennedy who then promised to surrender Hollandia (Papua) to Indonesia.
Victory of special operations forces which were TRIKORA launched in Yogyakarta on December 19, 1961 due to the Dutch which had lost the support of the United States, Britain and Australia as a result of Kennedy's promise to Sukarno. The loss of support from allied countries, the Netherlands was still continuing to build after II World War, and changes in Indonesian war strategy of the operation Trikora to Operation Jayawijaya supported by weapons of war from the Soviet Union to encourage the Dutch to sign New York Agreement on 15 August 1961. UNTEA prepared the people of Papua conduct referendum no later than 1969. Now the indigenous of Papuans have questioned their representation on the Act of 1969 which was used the agreement polls deliberation. Siding with the United States to Indonesia happened to prevent the involvement of the USSR first in the signing of the contract mine in Papua.
With this description, become clearly to us all that the important role of Papua for powerful world countries, such as the Soviet Union and the United States. Approval of President Kennedy to give Papua to Indonesia in accordance with the lobbying of President Sukarno was motivated by an attempt to stop the cooperation between the Communist bloc as Sukarno with the Soviet Union and China. Only seven months after the United States engaged in the delivery of Papua to Indonesia as recorded in the New York Agreement, President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, USA.
1. New York Agreement, Wikipedia 2. Nicolaus Jouwe, Kisah Hidup Tokoh-Tokoh Papua, penyunting Charles Fahardian (West Papua: Deiyai, 226).
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